How To Promote Minecraft Server?

It really helps you to keep the player on your Minecraft server. But the hardest part of the game is to attract people. No one will try a new server without a reason. You need to promote your server in a proper way. 

You can enable a votifier. It's a plugin that will notify about the votes on the server list. It will help you to increase the votes. Here is a list of things you can do to promote your server-

  1. Advertise your server
  2. Join Minecraft Server List
  3. Use the Bukkit Plugin Votifier
  4. Spread the information to your friends
  5. Join related forums
  6. Make youtube videos on it
  7. Influence existing members to invite their friends
  8. Buy sponsored posts from Blogs
  9. Buy sponsored videos from popular YouTube channels
  10. Create a blog on Your website to promote the server
By following all the things mentioned in the list will help you a lot to get Minecraft players. Sometimes, it will be hard to get new players. Don't give up, it will grow gradually. 
