It really helps you to keep the player on your Minecraft server. But the hardest part of the game is to attract people. No one will try a new server without a reason. You need to promote your server in a proper way.
You can enable a votifier. It's a plugin that will notify about the votes on the server list. It will help you to increase the votes. Here is a list of things you can do to promote your server-
- Advertise your server
- Join Minecraft Server List
- Use the Bukkit Plugin Votifier
- Spread the information to your friends
- Join related forums
- Make youtube videos on it
- Influence existing members to invite their friends
- Buy sponsored posts from Blogs
- Buy sponsored videos from popular YouTube channels
- Create a blog on Your website to promote the server
By following all the things mentioned in the list will help you a lot to get Minecraft players. Sometimes, it will be hard to get new players. Don't give up, it will grow gradually.
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