Best Open Source Microsoft Office Alternative

Best Microsoft Office Alternative
Free Office Software
photo credit: Sebine

Free Microsoft Office Alternativ : Open Source

There is no doubt that microsoft office is most perfect for official and personal use. Its features and utility leads us to use it. But the price of $149 is not affordable for us. More than 1.2 billion people use microsoft office. I don't know the number of illegul users. Let's see two free alternative today-

WPS Office: Its completely free and 83 megabyte in size. Its almost like microsoft office. You can run .docx file created on microsoft office. You may face some problems while writting equation. You need to cope up with it. Free template feature is really impressive here. You should use it especially for this feature. Download directly from here-

Libre Office: Another microsoft office alternative. It is totally free software. It is subjected to the version of Mozilla Public License Version 2.0. Its a open source software made by a non profit organization. Some specialization including Draw, Calculation, Math is found in this software.  Most stable released version can be downloaded from below-

Both of the above softwares are still a lot to improve. I hope your usual work of writing with good templates and obviously with more perfection is possible with these free softwares.
